/> Spornia SPG-5 Golf Practice Hitting Net Compact Edition – Mike's Golf Shop
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Spornia SPG-5 Golf Practice Hitting Net Compact Edition

Spornia SPG-5 Golf Practice Hitting Net Compact Edition

$ 149.99

Spornia SPG-5 Golf Practice Net Compact Edition

For 20 years, aspiring athletes have used our Pop-Up sports practice nets to train their game - without even knowing it! Since 1998, we have been the top Manufacturer and Distributor of Pop-Up Practice Net's to different brands. But, one day our vendors told us that Pop-Up nets were falling "out of fashion". We believe in our products, so we decided to investigate the problem. It turns out that Pop-Up Practice net's bad reputation was due to our competitors heavily lowering the production quality to cut costs. We knew that we couldn't compete with these low prices without compromising the quality of our products. So we decided to do the exact opposite, and offer the absolute best products in terms of quality and design using the best materials and top tier quality control to set our practice nets apart. We knew we had to do something radically different to stay in business. Something bold. So in 2016 we decided to manufacture and sell our practice nets directly to our customers under our own brand, Spornia. That way we could maintain our high quality of production, materials and design, but at prices that can compete with the less durable alternatives, because we then were able to cut out the expensive middle man - the retail link. We wanted young and aspiring athletes to have proper equipment to develop their skills and the local clubs to have training equipment that would stand the test of continued use. And under our own brand, we are able to use the quality materials needed to secure just that.

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